Don't lose your self respect over anyone. There are much better things in life waiting for you move on find them .
If you have to beg someone to be in your life,they don't belong there
Don't lose your self respect Move on to find the best.
Like you can't force yourself to like someone
The same way You can't force someone else to like u
Don't ruin yours or someone else's life MOVE ON
The only real failure in life is When you Stop trying NEVER STOP TRYING NEVER GIVE UP is what defines a legend
Don't give up on your dreams Before getting Married DEFINE YOURSELF DON'T RUSH MARRIAGE
Never Cry for those who left you Move On to find the same One who Deserved you.
There are far better things ahead then any we leave behind ALWAYS LOVE AND TRUST YOURSELF MORE THEN OTHERS
So many people give up on their lives because of their Circumstances
Your Circumstances don't Define you
Your will power do. "Be a fighter"